Welcome to your 2013 Crasstalk March Madness Funderdome. Continue reading
Friends, Netizens, countrymen, lend me your ears. For I come to bury college football, not to praise it. I don’t like college football. There, I said it. I’ve never really liked it. Oh I’ve tried watching it, but there are so many flaws in the college system that it makes my brain hurt. Every couple of years I forget what I have learned and catch a game on TV. And then I remember: “I hate this game”. Continue reading
Well Crassballers, sadly it’s that time of year again already, the end of the college football regular schedule. Here are some of the highlights of today’s action. Continue reading
Bruno Mars seems to be everywhere these days – his videos are on MTV, his songs are on pop radio, his face is on all manner of print ads. But what impact has he really made on the federal court scene? None, of course. Well, none until September 1st of this year.
Joseph Agnew was on a full football scholarship at Rice University when he suffered a career-ending injury after his sophomore season. The university informed him that he was no longer a member of the football team and therefore would no longer continue to receive his scholarship for the remaining two years at school. He applied for and received an additional year of tuition, even though he was no longer on the team. His request for full tuition for his senior year was subsequently denied and Mr. Agnew was forced to pony up his last year’s tuition out-of-pocket to recieve his degree. He sued claiming that two NCAA bylaws mandating one-year scholarships and scholarship caps for athletes were in violation of federal law.
Good day Crasstalk. Thanks for stopping by. I just want to let everyone know that if you applied for an author’s account after the workshop I will get you set up soon. There were quite a few of you so I am looking forward to some great new stuff in the coming weeks.
Also, congratulations to my dog ego who won The Crassballin’ NCAA bracket. Second place went to YoungFolk. We are all looking forward to seeing MDE model the thong that comes with the prize package.
All right, let’s get things moving. I feel like some Billy today.
Have a great day.
We’re already in the second third round of the NCAA tournament, so I thought I’d give you all a Crassballin’ update. Here’s the current Top 10 as of Saturday afternoon:
We had a total of 62 entries. Also, notice that 7 of the top 10 scorers so far are ladyfolk. Apparently you don’t actually need balls to dominate at Crassballin’. Continue reading
Assuming that you have access to cable TV destination truTV, the NCAA has made it possible to watch every single game in the first two rounds of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournatment. (Sorry, it’s the first two rounds. That mess the last two nights does NOT count) Great, right? Well, it still doesn’t account for the fact that many of the games run concurrently, and, in the first two days, some of them are out-right dogs. I’m looking at you, Kansas-Boston U. Admittedly, the networks do a decent job of staggering, but some games are a bet to be better than others.
Chances are, you don’t have a legit dog in this fight, as some 280 Division I schools don’t make the tournament. So, what to watch? You’re busy, and probably too lazy to drag a second or even third television into the same room to put them all up together. Let’s take a look at the schedule and highlight the stuff worth watching:
Early Games
12:15 p.m.: East Region: No. 5 West Virginia vs. Clemson, CBS
12:40 p.m.: Southeast Region: No. 8 Butler vs. No. 9 Old Dominion, truTV
1:40 p.m.: Southwest Region: No. 4 Louisville vs. No. 13 Morehead State, TBS
The pick: Butler v. ODU. Butler went to the title game last year, remember? Some people think they’re better than the 8 seed they received, and others think they’ll be bounced in the first round. 8-9 games are generally closely contested, and I don’t think anyone believes that WVU will have much trouble with a Clemson team that’s probably at least a little gassed from playing late Tuesday and making the trip to Tampa Bay from Dayton.
Mid-Day Games
The pick(s): Ugh, is it any surprise that these games are on in the middle of the work day? Nobody outside of Pennsylvania wants to see PSU-Temple, and unless Princeton has some magic, Kentucky might run them off the floor in the first 15 minutes. You’ll have to hope that Morehead State gives Louisville some run in the 1:40 game, at least enough to get you to Vandy-Richmond at 4:10. This one has potential, simply because for as great as the SEC is in football, you can’t trust them in hoops outside the states of Kentucky and Florida most years.
Post-Dinner Games
The pick: Now things get interesting. The Jimmer Show starts at 7:15, and if he gets going early, you might as well stick around. Heck, he tends to score in bursts, so if Wofford sticks around for the first 10 minutes, it could be fun. Otherwise, make your way over to ‘The tru” for Wisconsin-Belmont, which has a lot of folks pick as a trendy upset. Belmont can flat shoot it, and Wisconsin couldn’t break 40 against Penn State in the Big-Ten tournament. In other words, don’t let the seeds fools you.
Night-Time Games
The Pick: Christ, CBS, thanks for cramming three potentially good games into the last hour. Here, I’d toggle between the first three games until KSU-Utah State tips. Utah State is another situation where I advise you to ignore the seeds. USU was ranked in the top 25 for a while this season, and again, if they get hot, they could make KSU sweat.
March 18
The pick: Happy Friday! These games suck. MI-TN is the only one with any potential here, I think, and Michigan is awful. Want to see an 8 seed who probably should have been forced to play a play-in game? Watch Michigan. Go out to lunch instead.
Mid-Day Games
The pick: Arizona has probably one of the more exciting athletes in the tournament in Derrick Williams. Memphis will run with them though, so it will probably be the most entertaining game of this bunch. Texas A&M-FSU will be interesting only in that someone has to win.
Post-Dinner Games
The pick: Xavier-Marquette. Really, the other three games will probably be blowouts, and Marquette is probably better than an 11 seed, but not quite good enough, if I was picking (and I did).
Late Night Games
The pick: Illinois is not a 9 seed. Seriously, the Big-Ten is not that good at basketball. Go UW-UGA here. Washington’s Isiah Thomas is cold-blooded, and they just knocked off Arizona, so this will likely be the most entertaining of this bunch.
As always, though, keep an eye on the scores. CBS, as a rule, has always done a good job of keeping viewers informed of when something special is happening or about to happen.
And lastly, if you haven’t done so yet, you still have a short amount of time to sign up for the Crasstalk March Madness Bracket on CBS. The password is honeybadger.
Update (4:50PM)-Congrats to A Piece of the Continent, for being the only person in the Crassballin’ Bracket to get each of the first 4 games correct. Jerk.
Today is Christmas wrapped in the Super Bowl surrounded by endless waves of Kentucky Derby roses for gambling professionals, casinos, Hoboken wise guys, and offshore sports books. This is the day when the non-gamblers gamble, the day when grandmas, toddlers, the comatose and Nepalese Sherpas all gather round the television and fill out an NCAA basketball tournament bracket without knowing the difference between Duke and Duquesne or a chance in hell of actually winning the office, school or neighborhood pool. Continue reading