Hair is big business. My soft flowing shoulder-length wavy brown hair doesn’t just happen by accident. Rather, I owe it to my hairstylist, products, and my trusty hairdryer. Continue reading
Apparently, menfolk have been wrapping it up – in ways you can’t imagine – for close to 11,000 years. Continue reading
Today’s entry on everyday artifacts will feature the object of America’s obsession: GUNS!!11!
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Based on some of your Photo Phriday pics with rumpled clothes strewn about all willy nilly, many of you may not be familiar with the clothes hanger, let alone its history. I’m here to help you. Continue reading
Another installment in our series on abandoned places in the world. Please note, the series will be on hiatus until the Fall. Continue reading
In one of my least understood passages in Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet, he talks about how “Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are the eternity and you are the mirror.” Yeah, I’ve got nothing. Instead, let’s focus on how this invention helps you to take selfies for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace, Google+, Crasstalk, and if you’re Chinese, Sina Weibo.
Since waiting around for water to still was tedious, humanity decided that it needed something more tangible to carry around for some self-loving. Continue reading
Another installment in our series on abandoned places in the world. Continue reading
Ever wonder about the history of ubiquitous objects found around your home? From your hair dryer to your doorknob, they all have a story to tell. Who invented it and why? Since we’re surrounded by design, let’s get to briefly know some of the unsung heroes who’ve made our lives more manageable. Continue reading
This past weekend our dear Rumpofsteelskin shared a mac and cheese recipe he had found in a 300-year-old British manuscript. I love mac and cheese! And history! Two of my favorite things rolled up into one dish? I had to try it out.
Another installment in our series on abandoned places in the world. Continue reading