
45 posts

A Day to End Violence Against Women

Today, December 6, is Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. Every year on this day, Canada commemorates a terrible act of violence directed at women solely because of their gender.

L’Ecole Polytechnique is an engineering school affiliated with the Universite de Montreal. On December 6, 1989, a deranged gunman named Marc Lepine entered L’Ecole Polytechnique. He went into a mechanical engineering classroom, ordered the men to leave the room. He asked the female students if they knew why they were there, and told them it was because he was “fighting feminism”. He told them that they were women studying to be engineers, that that made them feminists, and that he hated feminists. He then shot every one of the nine female students. Six were killed. Continue reading

Happy Canada Day!

Tell us where in our glorious country you’ve been. Was it great? Sorry, silly me, of course it was great. How great? And where exactly do you go that was great?

Lots of Americans have been on family trips to the Maritime provinces. A drive around the shores of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island is a festival of small towns and lobster-binges.

Quebec City (the skiing! winter carnival!), Montreal (omg the shopping), Toronto (a shoe museum right across the street from the hallowed halls of the Royal Ontario Museum!) and Vancouver (Stanley Park, wow) are wonderful cities to vacation in, and the countryside in between is beautiful. So green! (Mostly.) Continue reading

Mayor of Toronto Chases and Threatens Reporter

The Mayor of Toronto is a massive embarrassment to my city. Yesterday, one of the Toronto Star’s city hall politics reporters filed a story that Rob Ford wants to buy a slice of the park adjacent to his house so that he can build a bigger security fence. The reporter behind the story, Daniel Dale (and this is according to his own account, which differs from the mayor’s), went out to the park of which Ford wants to buy a piece and was taking pictures of the park and, it would seem likely, Ford’s fence, for the story. Continue reading