(A quick note from Bots: The Angry Black Man is a friend of mine here in The A, as well as our newest author. In real life he’s not that angry but we thought the screen name was funny, so we’re running with it.)
I know it’s very difficult for us mere mortals to comprehend what’s at stake in the NBA lockout negotiations. I mean, for us fans this means nothing but a few missed TV slots during an otherwise boring work week. But to these “athletic gods”… I mean, come on man, this is life.
I can’t imagine what it must feel like to have to negotiate for your job. Oh wait a minute, that’s what the job description, interview and salary requirements are for, right? Well for professional athletes… not so much.
Back in the day, sports franchises were owned and run by people who were knowledgeable about their respective sports and they were dedicated to winning. Not only winning for their respective teams, but winning for the fans, for their cities and even for the sports themselves. Continue reading →