
317 posts
Lucky is not a literary critic.

How Obsessed Are We With Facebook? This Much.


Yes, we all know that many, many people are on Facebook.  A lot.  But seeing the numbers, in visual as well as text form, shows that many of us spend way, way too much time on Facebook.

Is this where we want to be? But is Facebook a tool to enhance our social lives, or has it become a replacement for it, and does it matter? As for what it’s doing to users, it was reported on Wednesday that two researchers at Cornell found that using Facebook boosts self-esteem. On the other hand, an Oxford neuroscientist warned that Facebook and other social networking sites may be leading to less empathy, a shakier sense of identity, and an aversion to real-life interaction. While it remains to be see whether children are in imminent danger of growing up into sociopathic confused shut-ins, that a large percentage of people now spend more time interacting online (hi, guys!) than in face-to-face situations is vaguely troubling even to one who has been more or less glued to a computer since the age of eleven, when I discovered AOL message boards and was unaware that there would ever be anything better than a dial-up modem.

What does Mark Zuckerburg think about all of this? I don’t know, but I imagine it goes something like this.


Video: Alex Trimpe on Vimeo

Music: “Deadwriter” by RJD2

Image via smemon87’s flickr

The Whole Gritty City

Some of you might remember PoBoyNation mentioning the film The Whole Gritty City back at the other place.  The independent filmmakers are trying to finish their documentary on the experiences of three New Orleans marching bands and the kids band leaders are trying to keep off the streets in the wake of Katrina, but have run short of funds. Watch the trailer and donate here to help them out if you are as moved as I was.

Saturday News: Taxes, gas, and LOLbears

I refuse to give up image macros
Picture is not related
  • A new “DNA spray” is being used in Amsterdam to catch thieves by covering them with a non-washable mist in the event of a hold-up, which is filled with chemical that correspond to a specific time and place. Invisible to the naked eye, it can be seen under a UV light, and can also be used on objects.
  • A new study by the Congressional Budget Office shows federal taxes are for the third year in a row lower than under the Bush administration, and are actually at their lowest level since the Truman administration.
  • Gas prices are at a record high for this time of year.
  • Are you ready for this one, dog lovers? Inmates at a Missouri prison taught a deaf dachshund to respond to sign language, and then gave him to a school for deaf children.

Happy Saturday, crasstalkers.

Around the web: weird and wonderful news

The little bastards have done nothing but piss you off all day anyway.

  • Wired reports a study that found that the combined computational power of every computer on Earth is equal to one human brain’s processing power. In terms of storage, our total storage capacity is equal to the amount of data in one adult’s DNA.
  • The Pentagon has issued a DADT repeal plan. Hallelujah! The full document is available at the previous link, the PowerPoint presentation put together by the Marine Corps command is here, courtesy of OutServe.
  • Officials in Fort Wayne, IN are inexplicably reluctant to name a new government center after former four-term mayor Harry Baals.
  • Police arrested a man in South Pasadena after he climbed a tree to, he claimed, escape a pack of pumas. Yes, he was drunk. No, there are not roaming packs of pumas in South Pasadena, to the best of my knowledge at least.

Enjoy your Friday, Crasstalkers! Just not quite that much.

Things to do while procrastinating at 3:40 AM

I returned to my apartment home roughly 4.5 hours ago following a car trip from Texas back to home sweet California.  I’ve been up since 5 AM PST, and am too tired to think straight, let alone write a paper.  So here are things you can do, should you ever find yourself in just this situation.

1.Write a totally useless blog post

2. Play this game.

3. Have you ever heard of grooveshark?  Well, now you have.

4. Do you know what StumbleUpon is?  Well, now you do!

5. Did you know that it’s Cyber Monday, the online shopping companion to Black Friday? Well, now you do!  So, go to Amazon and get some cheap(ish) DVDs.

6. Facebook stalk your cute TA from freshman year.

7. Have a good cry.

8. Stand in front of your oven to warm up a bit.

9.  Maybe tomorrow.