
317 posts
Lucky is not a literary critic.

Saturday Open Thread: The Doctor is IN

Some of you are aware that I’ve become slightly obsessed* with Doctor Who in the last month and a half or so (thanks MP! Mwah!).

Well, guess what? THE SEASON 6 PREMIERE OF DOCTOR WHO IS TONIGHT! BBC America is running an all-day marathon of season 5 (which I believe started 3 hours ago), Matt Smith’s first as the Doctor. If you’re a fan, tune in for a referesher. If you’re not and you’re willing to admit you’re a nerd, give it a go. Though it’s probably more satisfying to start from the first season of the rebooted series, the fifth season was written to bring in new viewers so you shouldn’t have too hard a time picking things up. In much sadder news, actress Elisabeth Sladen–who played the Third and Fourth Doctor’s companion Sarah Jane Smith in the ’70s–died of cancer on Tuesday. She last appeared on the show in 2008, reprising her role as Sarah Jane with David Tennant’s Doctor. She will be missed.
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Wednesday Daytime Open Thread

What’s this? Lucky’s in charge of Wednesday’s Open Threads? Ha, you all thought Botswana’s were scary. Nobody is making it out of this one alive.

Kidding. I’ll be nice and let 1/3 of you live, but you have to beg.

It’s Wednesday folks, so get on over to the Hump Day post and make your contributions. For all three of you who are not perverts, today’s theme is ducks. Continue reading

PhotoPhriday: The Blackout Edition

Citizens, crasstalkers, cat ladies. It’s time for our weekly ramble through each others’ lives, made possible through the magic of the internets. In keeping with our boozy theme today, I want to see your alcohol. All of it. Do you have a single beer in the fridge? If that’s the case, shame on you. Bad, bad cat lady (those in recovery are, of course, forgiven). Do you have a fully stocked bar that would put most watering holes to shame? (Of course you do.) Do you keep a bottle of bourbon in a hollowed out book in your office? Show it to me. For those of you who are new, or live in open threads, here are the rules and here are your instructions (taken and modified from earlier PP posts):

  • This is the magic computer code you use to make pictures appear: 
    • <img src=”” />.
  • And it’s a URL, not photo file.  Crasstalk doesn’t accept files from your hard drive – only from the Internet. You can upload your photo to Facebook, Flickr, TinyPic, or any other online photo hosting site to generate a URL for the photo. For many of those LOLcats/dogs/monkeys I can’t seem to quit foisting on all of you, I use ImageShack or imgur
  • Also, be sure to add a few words of text with your picture so it doesn’t get tripped up in the site’s spam filter.
  • To pick up an image online, right click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) on an image and select “View Image” or “Copy Image URL/Location.” Copy-and-paste the URL and plug it into the img src html code.

Get to it, kids. And remember, drunk posting is always encouraged.

In return, we will be sympathetic tomorrow.