This weekend is your last chance to vote for Crasstalk and Crassparenting for the 2013 Bloggies. Allow me to take a moment to obsequiously beg for your votes. As you know, we here at Open Thread Media have made it our mission to win the internet. We cannot do this without your support. Continue reading
Daily Archives: March 15, 2013
While sitting in a restaurant on “date night” I couldn’t help shaking my head at a young couple in their twenties as they sat nearly motionless for much of their meal, both with their heads bent over their phones texting like crazy. Neither seemed to think there was anything wrong with sitting in each other’s company and texting away as if the other wasn’t there.
Is this the only way we communicate? Continue reading
While my NPR station was blathering on about fake Serious Person Paul Ryan and his masturbatory homage to Ayn Rand and the slightly more realistic budget coming from Sen. Patty Murray and Senate Democrats, the House Progressive Caucus quietly (in media terms) released its Back to Work Budget this week.
Contained within is a whole host of liberal red meat: Tax increases on the wealthy! Infrastructure investments! Investment income taxed like wage income! Initiatives to target climate change! It also has a healthy dose of unintended irony.
Pantone declared that this is the year of green with their color of the year being PANTONE 17-5641 Emerald. This has led to a host of articles about incorporating it into your life in some surprising ways. Especially in pants, for some reason everyone is trying to make green pants happen. And shoes. I don’t get it, but that’s me. Continue reading
Good day and welcome to Crass. Continue reading