Sheesh. Nothing is sacred. Not anymore. Elmo as we know it is gone. Also, Kelsey Grammer will have to smile at his one Boss Golden Globe. He won’t be getting another. On the bright side, The Walking Dead may have just gotten more awesome if that’s possible. NBC despite its sweeps success is still a stupid network. Barbara Walters thinks potty mouth dogs are interesting. Oh, Paula Abdul, really? Really. And Downton Abbey we have a bone to pick with you! Hugh Laurie, we don’t mean crossbones. Continue reading
Daily Archives: November 20, 2012
Whoa. We’re not sure we’ve ever seen Mitt Romney look so, well, unpolished if we’re being kind. If we’re being honest, he looks like a group of flying monkeys decided to have their way with his heretofore unflappable hair follicles. And where’s the smug smirk? The pandering grin? The rock-solid confidence and irrefutable take charge attitude? Dressed in a rumpled shirt and pants with a wilted shirt collar and the pallor of a plate of carbohydrates, he looks like a guy who’s taken to eating at Arby’s. Christ, the road after the election seems to be full of tear-stained pillows and sweat-soaked hairdos lacking in pomade or attention. Mitt Romney now pumps his own gas in La Jolla. Continue reading
Hey, hunty. Do you know what’s just around the corner? Besides your visit to the free clinic for a salve (you really need to get that rash cleared up). That’s right, RuPaul’s Drag Race is coming back for its 5th season, and that certainly gives us something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Because, rly Ru, we love you, but All Stars has been terrible. Hit the jump so we can meet the queens & make snap judgments and baseless predictions! Continue reading
Have you heard of NaNoWriMo? That’s the National Novel Writing Month, an event sponsored by a group of literary terrorists who encourage bored housewives and unwashed yokels to write an entire 50,000-word novel during the month of November.
NaNoWriMo’s growth in popularity is simply astounding. It was launched in 1999 by a group of 21 writers in the San Francisco area, but within two years had 5,000 “writers” participating in it. By 2010, the non-profit group that sponsors the event had over 200,000 participants.
There are surprisingly few people who are openly critical of NaNoWriMo — probably because actual published authors are understandably wary of offending the kinds of people who buy lots of books. But this event sucks, and to pretend otherwise is to humor the delusional, literature-destroying idiots that participate in it. Continue reading
TiMER is a sci-fi romantic comedy (yes, you read that right) set in a world that has developed the technology to predict when you’ll meet your soulmate down to the very second. The film explores the anxiety behind wanting to be certain that the person you’re with is The One and whether there is value in a relationship that will not last a lifetime.
I recently got asked the following 3 questions which made me come back to these themes: Continue reading
Good day, and welcome to Crasstalk. Continue reading