When I originally learned of the Nest Learning Thermostat, I understood that its creator had a history within Apple and thus the design of the device was slick and it the device itself, revolutionary. Now I’m reading that the third generation Nest device is about to be released. The site, nest.com is touting the new device as having “a refined design that’s enclosed by a single solid stainless steel ring.” This starts to remind me of the song and dance we’re used to by now with Apple releasing an ever thinner and faster version of basically the same exact thing – year after year. So it seems that design isn’t the only thing Tony Fadell, (co) inventor of the iPod, learned from his days with Apple. Continue reading
Daily Archives: October 2, 2012
One brave internet explorer has dared to ask the question “Who is Bari M. Shabazz?” We here at Crasstalk feel such a question deserves an answer. The answer is he’s a figment of your imagination, Mr. Rob McEwen. Allow me to explain. Continue reading
Political Mercy Fuck, La Bachmann’s Epic Fail, a Democrat Betrayl?, refusing to refuse to vote for Obama, confessions of a partisan, why The West Wing is a terrible guide to American democracy, Scott Brown: Scalia “model justice”, NY AG sues JP Morgan Chase, and more GOP voter fraud. Continue reading
My therapist says I should take a break from the dating scene and “date myself.” You all won’t shut up about it. Here’s why I won’t do it. Continue reading
Dontcha wish your girlfriend was Bots or me. Continue reading