When I originally learned of the Nest Learning Thermostat, I understood that its creator had a history within Apple and thus the design of the device was slick and it the device itself, revolutionary. Now I’m reading that the third generation Nest device is about to be released. The site, nest.com is touting the new device as having “a refined design that’s enclosed by a single solid stainless steel ring.” This starts to remind me of the song and dance we’re used to by now with Apple releasing an ever thinner and faster version of basically the same exact thing – year after year. So it seems that design isn’t the only thing Tony Fadell, (co) inventor of the iPod, learned from his days with Apple.The new model above and the old model below, I’m not sure if a second generation device looked any different from the 1st. It was probably the Nest 1s, or 1gs or something.
The new model includes additional wire connectors for fancier HVAC systems that were not supported by the original Nest.
Don’t get me wrong, due to the pleasing design aesthetic coupled with potential power saving and learning capabilities I do intend to own this fabulous new incarnation of the Nest Learning Thermostat. I just wanted to point out how very Apple the playbook from Nest appears to be.
The new Nest is available on Amazon for pre-order and will ship October 14th (this is an affiliate link).
[ Photos via Nest.com ]