Daily Archives: September 14, 2012

7 posts

French Magazines Ruining Everyone’s Week

Apparently the French have decided to wage war on PR reps and Kate Middleton’s boobs. All in a day’s work, eh? Haha? Well, okay that would be ascribing to a petty stereotype about the French being self-involved, ego-maniacal, loo-loo birds who go around slapping people, smoking cigarettes out of filters and reveling in the occasional bit of co-opted nudity. Er, okay. Most of that happened this week. Continue reading

Is this the End of the Camp David Era?

Remember Jimmy Carter and how he told us all we should put on a sweater?* Jimmy Carter was an awful president, you guys, and everyone knows that.

It couldn’t have been Jimmy Carter who brokered the Camp David Accords, because the Camp David Accords brought a real and lasting peace between Israel and Egypt for the last 34 years, and, again, Jimmy Carter was an awful president who never did anything and should have stuck to peanut farming and communist coddling and just left the sweater-wearing-exhorting to the adults, the Republicans, duh. Continue reading

The Daily Sausage – Friday Edition

Ponzi didn’t think big enough, Michele Bachmann speaks the truth, House GOP actually ends welfare reform work requirements, what’s the matter with Kansas, #romneylies, #romneystrength, Obama the Fiscal Conservative, the vast liberal-Islamist-Wall Street-Media-Hollywood conspiracy according to Rush, Rand Paul singlehandedly shuts down the government, the Gini index, Eric Cantor: Closet Keynesian, and #romneyshambles. Continue reading