Daily Archives: December 19, 2011

8 posts

What the Hell do You Mean, There’s No Santa Claus?

Here’s a heartwarming story about the rotten kids on the playground. When I was in third grade -maybe eight or so – I was sitting with my friends on the play ground at school on a blustery December day. We were discussing important issues of the day – what Star Trek re-run would be on this afternoon, Planet of the Apes, could the Six Million Dollar Man BE more awesome, and Christmas. A small herd of mewling, weeping first-graders ran by, pursued by savage, laughing fifth- and sixth-graders. First-graders are natural playground prey animals, and we tried to ignore this whole scene, lest the big kids turn their savagery on us. Unfortunately, one of the kids – a loutish brute who lived down the street from me – detached himself from the pack and came over to us.
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Kim Jong 2: Electric Boogaloo Kicks The Bucket

Kim Jong-il has died.  The 69 year-old North Korean leader died Saturday of what North Korean media said was a “great mental and physical strain” on his train during a “high intensity field inspection.”  The first part most likely points to a heart attack.  I have no idea what the second quote means.  I’m going to guess the heart attack on the train means that he died while doing the nasty.

Kim was referred to as North Korea’s “Dear Leader.”  His father, Kim il Sung, is referred to as the nation’s “Eternal President.”  He founded North Korea in 1948. Continue reading

Family Christmas Traditions

What are your annual family Christmas traditions? If you don’t have a family, have you created your own Christmas traditions?

My family is not one to invest a lot of energy into “doing things”, if you know what I mean.   It didn’t bother me so much as a child, but as an adult I’m frequently exasperated at how much cajoling and convincing it takes to get my family to expend energy on anything that’s outside their expected routine.  This year, for instance, will be the first time that everybody will be present – to include me! – in the same house, at the same time, in several years due to my recent multi-year tour through Southwest Asia. As we were planning the get together this year I suggested we should do a White Elephant gift exchange instead of a more traditional gift exchange, owing to the shitty economy and the fact we’re all (blessedly) employed adults who frankly don’t need more stuff.  No money spent and you get rid of crap laying around your house!  What’s not to like?  But oh my lord the anxiety at discussing trying something new . . . Continue reading