Daily Archives: November 24, 2011

7 posts

Why I Love Thanksgiving

ThanksgivingThanksgiving has always been a special holiday for me. I’m not religious, so Christmas is great for presents and all but it’s not a holy day for me. Birthdays are great when you are a kid but when you get older, meh.

When I was a kid we always had huge gatherings for Turkey day. My grandmother had remarried before I was born and I had more aunts and uncles than I knew what to do with. It was a real Brady Bunch type situation. How my grandmother managed to cook such a giant meal in such a tiny kitchen is something that still amazes me to this day.

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How To Impress Your Family With Pie

Last fall, I was unemployed. I spent entire days in my (parents’) house, watching Criminal Minds marathons on A&E while eating popcorn and feeling fairly hopeless about my life. When I started having dreams in which Matthew Gray Gubler was saving my life by being a really adorable genius, I figured I needed another hobby, or at least something to occupy my brain before I required a serious Criminal Minds intervention. This is when I started baking.

i hate cream cheese
I made this cheesecake.
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