Daily Archives: October 6, 2011

8 posts

Recession Affecting Fine Dining Establishments

I’m about ready to pack my bags and join the Occupy Wall Street protests because it is hitting home now. Yeah, I got laid off a couple of years ago and my unemployment ran out ages ago. Whatever. Today was the day I began to weep for America. No matter that large companies are failing right and left – today, Casa Bonita, a Denver cultural icon, is in jeopardy. The parent company has filed for bankruptcy protection. I know this will devastate scores of Denver residents, most of all my brother-in-law John. Seldom has a man loved a restaurant as much as John loves Casa Bonita. Continue reading

The New iPhones Are Here! The New iPhones Are Here!

This morning, In Cupertino, Apple CEO Tim Cook unveiled the new iPhone 4s.  Not 4Gs, because the previous iPhone wasn’t the iPhone 4G.  It was the iPhone 4.  4G is a cellular data network.  The reason the 3G was named thusly was because it was able to take advantage of AT&T’s 3G network.  If anyone starts calling it the 4Gs in the comments, I will firebomb this motherfucker.

Now.  Because I had to sit through like 75 minutes of crap to get to the one thing everyone wanted, I’ve decided that I’m not going to suffer alone.  I’m going to go over EVERYTHING they talked about.

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