michele bachmann

13 posts

Note to Michele Bachmann…Endorsing Slavery Is Not the Way to Win the Presidency

You would think this is pretty much a no-brainer…well, you would be wrong. Michele Bachmann seems to think that the institution of slavery is just where she should rest her presidency-seeking laurels…endorsing it, creating make believe people who fought to end it, you know, just all around bastardizing American History and offending a large part of the nation with racist statements and all around stupidity. Yes, indeed, this is the way to win votes in this country. Let’s discuss the tenets of slavery…erroneously! Continue reading

Michele Bachmann Will Take Your Pornos Away

Michele Bachmann, America’s Greatest President Ever, became the first Republican candidate to sign “The Marriage Vow,” some sort of insane blood-oath sponsored by a group of Iowa corn farming death cultists called FAMiLY Leader.

It seems that they stand for more than just nonsensical capitalization.

Many of the 14 points of the the Marriage Vow are typical inane hillbilly crap about not cheatin’ on yer wife and keepin them queers from marryin’. But a few of them are spectacularly batshit. Continue reading