
5 posts

Greek Neo-Nazi Party Member Assaults Opposition Candidate on Live TV

It’s no secret that the next round of the Greek parliamentary elections are getting ugly. The country is debating leaving the Eurozone and has narrowly avoided default in the last few months by some pretty close margins. The last round of elections saw both far-Right and far-Left parties gaining footholds in Parliament, which is never the basis for compromise and reform (see Tea Party, The). Continue reading

Will Greece Default? Find Out at 3 PM EST – Updated

So. It has come to this.

Plan after plan after plan has gone by the wayside, as has a Prime Minister, and there has been no resolution to Greece’s massive sovereign debt problem.  Now Greece is quite simply out of time.  After months of hysteria, we have quietly reached the edge.  It’s not the end of the Eurozone, but you can see it from here. Continue reading

Santorum versus Plato on Sex in the Military

I mean, other than Stanley Kubrick.

When Rick Santorum said last week that “any kind of sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military” he gravely offended not only gay service members, but also straight ones who happen to be in relationships, and people who have watched Full Metal Jacket. But did you know that he was also contradicting one of the great founders of Western civilization?

One may be tempted to read Santorum’s statement as merely a deceptive facade of evenhandedness, where the gay-hating audience will get the intended target while everyone else ignores the implications for hetero service members because, really, who would be ridiculous enough to actually believe that? Presumably, the guy who uttered this gem on CNN: Continue reading