Fall TV

4 posts

Watch New Girl Pilot for Free on iTunes

When I saw Apple was allowing people to view the pilot episode of Fox’s New Girl (starring forever girlchild, Zooey Deschanel) for free on iTunes, I figured I had nothing to lose by watching. I almost ended up backing out when iTunes used the word “adorkable” to describe Deschanel’s character. Adorkable? Really? Gross. Already this show is trying too hard.

New Girl is premiering later this month. Deschanel plays Jess, a woman in her late 20s who finds out her live-in boyfriend is cheating on her when she comes home early for some afternoon delight and catches the Other Woman in her home. Jess smartly decides to move out of the apartment she shares with her boyfriend and into some sort of bachelor pad with three mostly unattached guys. Continue reading

10 Shows You Should Check Out This Fall

So, yeah, everyone is putting out their list of upcoming fall television shows. And mostly they’re pretty comprehensive, but I say, Bah! Let’s cut through the chum and take a look at programs you should probably watch. We’re not worried about mediocre shows you won’t even DVR. Nope, why waste time? Let’s take a look at a few that look promising! Novel idea, right? And in the next installment we’ll take a look at some you probably shouldn’t watch at all…unless it’s to discuss it shamefully and with derision. Continue reading