Community Communes with Yahoo; Michael Bay’s movies make tons of money which is why he won’t be stopped ever; Shia LaBeouf terrorizes the city of New York, he’s Godzilla; Whoopi is the cheese that stands alone; Robot Punch Monster™ until the end of time; Star Trek finally finds a destination; “Get to the Choppah”…again, sigh; and Brett Ratner is Eddie Murphy’s own personal Michael Bay inspired harbinger of doom. Continue reading
Sometimes an image just needs the right words to go with it. Simon Cowell has provided just that image.
Yesterday Mr. Cowell decided that an incoming human baby just wasn’t enough excitement in his life and he decided to get two puppies to fill out his instant family.
He’s gone from globe trotting playboy to stay at home dad almost overnight. The only thing left for him to do is get a minivan.
Go forth and caption. Or, if you’d rather suggest names for his pups that would work too.
Continue reading
One of my earliest memories is staying up late with my mom in our dining room building a model of the U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-A, in case you’re wondering). Well, to be precise, I was watching and she was building at my behest. Although I eventually grew out of building starships in favor of more social activities, about six years ago I found my way back into the hobbyist world. Now I do some things half-assed, but when it comes to making models, I’m serious business.
I’ve decided to share my knowledge, gained through grime, sweat, tears, and blood, in the hopes of inspiring others to take up this most noble of pursuits. This will be a multi-part series, covering tools, materials, techniques, and whatever else seems interesting.
Welcome to my world. I am… THE HOBBYIST. Continue reading
Patton Oswalt, funny human, will show us his “Salem Side” on the small screen; Star Wars gets another pair of Rockports; Julian Fellowes probably can’t multitask; Smash‘s Dramaturg got turdulent; Ke$ha thinks things apparently; Shia LaBeouf realizes that crashing robots are more fun than the whole thespian thing; Russell Crowe still has vocal chords. Continue reading
What did you think were the best or worst shows of 2012? Here are a few to get you started. Continue reading
New movie posters are fun! They’re the first glimpse we get into the brain of an upcoming movie, but more importantly, of whether or not the film looks like a hit or the kind of thing that will be ridiculed in a few short months. Guess where potentially these four fall? Continue reading
Will Smith wants off the sequel ride…kinda; we still hate Michael Bay and so apparently do The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; Strafe and roll with Splinter Cell; Ethan Hawke is truly a gossip; Matt Damon shaves his head and finds his tense face again; Django is still casting because that’s not at all scary.
Hey guys, I know it’s been like forever since we had a Caller, so here’s one to knock the dust off it. Continue reading