
108 posts

Recipe Sunday: Butterballs

I can’t remember if the Recipe Sunday gals ever did this one before, but hopefully not. They are known to many cultures and go by many names. Italian or Mexican? They’re probably called wedding cookies. Russian? Tea cakes. Despite my Italian heritage, we call them butterballs in my family, and we never made them for a wedding. Nope. Butterballs are for Christmastime, sucka. Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Purple Potato and Chorizo Frittata

The other day I was cleaning out our cabinets and I found two little purple potatoes from the fall. Purple potatoes! They’re one of my favorite treats of the autumn. It was like a little gift from October. Since they were such a treat, I decided to pair them with chroizo that I’d bought for a Christmas batch of Paella.

And because I already had Spain on the brain, I decided to make a frittata that had the feel of the Costa del Sol. Continue reading

Fall Greens and Cauliflower Gratin

Recipe Sunday: Fall Greens and Cauliflower Gratin

There are some recipe ideas that get into your head and linger there like a constant daydream. For me it was the idea of putting greens and cauliflower together in a creamy cheese sauce. I was slammed with work and didn’t have the energy to get into the kitchen for awhile, but I promised myself that the first thing I’d make would be this dish.

And it was everything I’d hoped it would be. The top was crunchy, the filling was decadent. All in all, it was a delicious meal to enjoy with a glass of wine while the wind howled and rattled the windows. Continue reading