
2 posts

Recipe Sunday: Strawberry Salad with Baby Greens and Lemon Vinaigrette

Sometimes you just need to laugh and get childish. Oh, and eat well and day drink. My cousin is my best friend – and that’s pretty amazing. It’s cool to have a friendship that doesn’t just span from elementary school to the present, it actually spans from her toilet training me (even though we’re about the same age) to the present.

What can I say. She’s a 7 months older and more mature than I am. Continue reading

Fall Greens and Cauliflower Gratin

Recipe Sunday: Fall Greens and Cauliflower Gratin

There are some recipe ideas that get into your head and linger there like a constant daydream. For me it was the idea of putting greens and cauliflower together in a creamy cheese sauce. I was slammed with work and didn’t have the energy to get into the kitchen for awhile, but I promised myself that the first thing I’d make would be this dish.

And it was everything I’d hoped it would be. The top was crunchy, the filling was decadent. All in all, it was a delicious meal to enjoy with a glass of wine while the wind howled and rattled the windows. Continue reading