
4062 posts

More gamez

Why is the sky blue?

The gases in the atmosphere scatter blue light most efficiently. Read more here.

Why is grass green?

Chorophyll absorbs blue, red light, reflects green; light —> energy. Read more here.


Star implodes. So much gravity nothing escapes; sucks together space-time. Read more here.

Also, fuck you.

String theory. Go.

Not even string theorists know what they’re talking about.

Submit a science question to me either in the comments, to my Gawker account, or to my email. I will answer it in ten words or less. If you ask me a question that neither I nor anybody else has the answer to, I will pretend I never received the question.

The Words I Never Write

It’s safe to say that I’m not the only person on this site who has their own personal blog.

In fairness, I’d probably be better off saying had, rather than has, as I haven’t written a post since 2008, and even then, I was only posting sporadically.  Of course, as we’ve learned, on the internet, everything is forever.  At my best, in 2005 and 2006, I was posting updates maybe 2-3 times a week.  And those posts, to be charitable, were centered around my hatred of dating, drunken adventures with friends, and the occasional opining on sports.

In short, it was a self indulgent enterprise that served to amuse my friends who knew half the stories because they were there, and the occasional passer-by who, bless their heart, had a less interesting life than me.

It was somewhere around the tail end of that experiment I realized:  I may fancy myself a decent, compelling writer, but, in reality, that isn’t really the case.  Considering that as a younger person, I felt like I had a chance to earn a living putting words to paper (or monitor, if you will), it was a hard lesson.  Realizing that to not be a realistic career path for me was hard, and not a little bit demoralizing.

That’s why I haven’t written a single thing for pleasure in over two years.  Not writing anything meant that I didn’t have to have anyone tell me that it wasn’t that good.  It’s not exactly a formula for becoming a more well-rounded individual, this much I know.  That said, failure and rejection are hard.  I don’t mean physically challenging, or mentally taxing.  Those things, I can handle.  I’ve always been a competent athlete, and I didn’t get to where I am professionally by being overtly dense.

It’s why, even with a very open invitation to come here and contribute, I struggle to find the voice with which to do it.   I’ve been a commenting peer of many people here for a year or more, and I know that you’re a very intelligent, discerning bunch.  I’ve seen the things you’ve had to say about bad writing, or bad writers.  Let’s just say this: For someone who doesn’t have a ton of confidence in his ability to construct sentences and paragraphs in a terribly compelling manor, there’s a sliver of intimidation there.

Even as I write this, I realize that it sounds at least a little bit like I’m hoping for pity, or at least, for the general commentariat to ‘take it easy’ on me.  That wouldn’t be realistic, or fun.  I am in my early 30s, and I want to force myself out of my comfort zone at least once in a while.

The reason I wanted to be a part of this is because I wanted to try and find some semblance of a voice again.  The chance to do it amongst a group of people I consider peers and friends is great. If I have to get my balls busted a few times because I’ve written a 47 word sentence, flipped verb tenses, or just said something terribly dumb, I’ll find the good in it.

Game time!

How was the universe…created? Do we even know that?

Short version:
THEORY: Not created, formed. Space/everything began, grew. Before? *shrug*

Long: Read more here.

I was always terrible at physics. Why is [light] both a wave and particles?

Short version:
Light reflects/refracts like waves, has energy/momentum like particles.

Long: Read more here.

Submit a science question to me either in the comments, to my Gawker account, or to my email. I will answer it in ten words or less. If you ask me a question that neither I nor anybody else has the answer to, I will pretend I never received the question.

Just kidding. If any of you can answer this, there’s a Nobel waiting for you. Is the multiverse real?

We are Billy Graham’s favorite writer!

Thanks to the fact that I switched to a ridiculously common WordPress theme, I was able to Google image search the dimensions of the header photo and got tons of random images from people’s goofy sites.

I was going to grab one from a Jew-fro’d lawyer who looked suspiciously close to Sean Penn’s character in Carlito’s Way. But like my pappy always said:  If you’re going to blatantly steal, try to steal from greatest writer in the evangelical world. He’s probably much less likely to sue you than the Rosenbaum Law Firm of Jersey City, N.J.

We need to dress this place up a bit

We have to look our best

I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking we need to dress this place up a bit. The free theme we’re using is a bit too plain and there are bunch of issues I’m seeing:

  • The kerning in the headlines is way too tight (letters are running together).
  • The name of the user who posts a comment is impossible to read.
  • The sidebar is kind of boring and appears to have some sort of margin issue that I’m not exactly sure how to fix.
  • There’s absolutely no color other than white.

So here’s how you can help us win the the internet: Let’s all try to spend a few minutes looking for the best WordPress theme for how we want our site to look and feel. If you’re not sure where to look, just start with a google search for “Free wordpress themes” or something similar. There are tons of sites dedicated to distributing themes.

And try to think about how you want the site to function. We could just pick another basic, simple bloggy type theme or it could be a theme that gives the site a more “magaziney” feel like The Awl. If you stumble across a theme that you like, please post it in the comments. Then I’ll see if I can put together a list of themes in one post and we can vote on which one we like the best.

We dodged a very trollish bullet

According to our favorite elf Adrian Chen, Tumblr and 4chan are waging some sort of troll war. We could have been attacked by kiddie porn immediately after landing in Tumblr-land. This is exactly why I’m glad we went with WordPress.


If you create a post, MAKE SURE YOU GIVE YOUR POST A TITLE. For some reason the theme doesn’t seem to handle it well if you don’t.


Let’s all create a category for each user name and put your posts under your own category to make organization better. Just click “Add New Category” on the right before publishing your post.