Biz Monkie

293 posts
Boisterous laugh, great smile, serial killer eyes. "the Confucius of Central Indiana" - Botswana Meat Commission - Follow me on twitter: @monkeybiziu

Not-So-Fantastic Four – What’s Next For Marvel’s First Family?

Fox’s Fantastic Four hit theaters last Friday and promptly fell apart. After being savaged by reviewers prior to release, Fox somehow managed to alienate comic book geeks, casual moviegoers, and the director, leading to a stunning weekend take far below expectations.

With the prospect of a sequel or shared universe now almost officially dead, what’s next for Marvel’s First Family? Continue reading

The Day I Stopped Defending the Greek System

I spent three and a half years as a member of a fraternity in college; a semester as an associate, and three years as a brother. I’ve attended the weddings of three of my fellow brothers, lived with another one for three years, made numerous friendships that continue to this day, and count my time as a member of a fraternity as one of the most positive and defining experiences of my life.

With all that being said, I can no longer defend the Greek System. Continue reading

The Breathtaking Cowardice of Indiana Governor Mike Pence

I am a Hoosier. I was born in Indianapolis, I did my undergrad at Indiana University, and I’ve lived in the state of Indiana for most of my 31 years on this planet. When the news first started trickling out about SB101, Indiana’s version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, I was dismayed that such blatantly discriminatory legislation would be considered, much less had a chance in passing. Then it was passed, and I felt genuinely ashamed of the state from whence I came. Then I watched Indiana Governor Mike Pence struggle through a softball interview with George Stephanopoulos, and I realized I could stay silent no longer. Continue reading