Daily Archives: August 14, 2012

5 posts

GOP True Colors: One Incident Paul Ryan Hopes You’ll Forget

Now that Paul Ryan has joined the Republican ticket, both he and Romney have indicated that this is to be the start of substantive campaigning. A turning point, if you will, which will see a move away from negativity to the bigger issues at hand, like jobs and the economy. We wonder if Paul remembers a time when his constituents wanted some answers to those pressing questions and decided to buy a ticket to a luncheon to finally get their much requested face time with the congressman — and how what enfolded should forever be the Asterisk next to his name. Continue reading

German Journalist Hilariously Mocks American Fatties in Der Spiegel

You know how it’s always fun to make light of your own shortcomings until someone else points out that you really are an obnoxious, party-ruining alcoholic? Oh, you don’t know what that’s like? Well the German magazine Der Spiegel will show you what it’s like. And those Prussian bastards are pointing and laughing at your Hardees jowls and highly-exposed butt crack.

 This article, which was translated from the original German (like all good literature), was published last weekend on Der Spiegel’s International Edition website. Ostensibly the piece was about Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s War on Big Ass Sodas, but it ended up just being a hilarious mash-up of cliches about how fat we are as a nation.  Continue reading

Get Ready for Paul Ryan to “Hey Girl” You

Well, that didn’t take long. It’s been 4 whole days since Mitt Romney announced Paul Ryan will be his running mate and already the Internet is starting to fill with memes. Some brilliant mind in the Twitterverse came up with what would happen if Paul Ryan and the Ryan Gosling “Hey Girl” meme collided.

The result is hysterical in the “Oh, my god, I am only laughing because it beats crying” kind of way. And because you know these would be Paul Ryan’s go-tos when attempting to pick up chicks at Wisconsin’s Club Applebee’s.

Hit the jump to see a few of the gems. Continue reading