Sashay, shantay, panther on the runway! Right away we can see this reunion special is…special, and I’m immediately willing to forgive and forget that we were left hanging last week. They’re on a bigger set than usual, there’s an audience and we’re treated to a fun opening routine. The queens are introduced one by one. The audience cheers, but they don’t actually get on their feet until Latrice Royale is introduced. Jesus is a biscuit.
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Daily Archives: May 1, 2012
13 posts
Today is International Workers’ Day, where the fascists of the world unite in oppressing the 1% by forming unions and buying crack with their welfare check. F’real. I read it on Drudge Report and I hear Rush Limbaugh is dedicating a whole hour to it today.
Let’s take a page out of the GOP playbook by making false equivalencies regarding socialism, fascism, and communism coming to a United States government near you! Continue reading
Hey. It’s May. Crap. We better dance. Continue reading