Daily Archives: December 24, 2011

5 posts

Movie Review: The Adventures of Tintin

The Adventures of Tintin, directed by Steven Spielberg, is essentially an Indiana Jones cartoon without Indiana Jones. Imagine that in the last Indiana Jones movie, greaser Shia LeBoeuf is replaced with a pleasant, studious red-haired kid who’s being chased by Russians. Then, in a sequel, which involves pirates and treasure instead of goddamned crystal skulls, Indiana Jones just never shows up. It’s ok, though, because you don’t really miss him. There’s a chase through a market that looks a lot like the one in “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” so maybe you miss him a little bit there, but otherwise, no. Continue reading

What’s the Best Version of “A Christmas Carol”?

There have been somewhere between four and five thousand tv and film versions of “A Christmas Carol.” I’m not going through all of them, because I have junk to do and presents to wrap, but this is a brief guide to some of the best and worst of them.

If you mention “A Christmas Carol” to your grandparents, this is the one they think of. For a lot of people, this is the definitive version.

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Christmas Morning Tradition : Overnight French Toast

Years ago, it was the tradition for my family to meet at my mother’s house for Christmas breakfast. With nieces, nephews, and random cousins, we had maybe 20 people around the dining room table. After presents were opened, we served breakfast family style, with dishes passed around the table.

Someone found this recipe in a magazine, we made it, and it was demanded every year after that. It’s super simple to assemble the casserole on Christmas Eve, then pull it out of the fridge Christmas morning, throw on the topping, then put it in the oven for 40 minutes or so. The trick to serving this dish is to let it set for 15 minutes after pulling it out of the oven. The resting time allows steam to escape and the casserole to settle into one delicious mass. Continue reading