Daily Archives: November 26, 2011

6 posts

Why I love Al… Al Jazeera That Is

Disenchanted with blurbs, gotchas and shallow one sided reporting?

Why I love Al Jazeera, a short blurb… oh crap, I’m infected!!1!

I’m personally finding it hard to read any news item these days without casting a side-eye at the source and wondering… left wing? right wing? wing nut? Credibility is lost, and it’s not coming back anytime soon. Investigate, question, report – if I want your opinion or religious slant I wouldn’t be reading the N.E.W.S. dipshit. Continue reading

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback Sucks

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback denies reports that he sucks

An eighteen-year-old Kansas high school student,  Emma Sullivan went on a field trip to Topeka, where she got to enjoy a speech from Kansas governor and laughable 2008 presidential candidate Sam Brownback.  The speech–probably as electrifying the stirring oratory that vaulted Brownback to almost seventh place in Iowa’s caucus in 2008–was so moving that Emma couldn’t wait to tweet about it. “OMG Sam Brownback is awesome! A dreamboat!” she tweeted enthusiastically. Continue reading