Daily Archives: November 7, 2011

13 posts

Joe Frazier Dies at Age 67

Joe Frazier was born in South Carolina in 1944. In his autobiography, he says he got into boxing when his uncle took a look at his nephew’s build, and said “that boy is going to be another Joe Louis” Frazier built his own heavy bag, out of a burlap sack filled with rags, corncobs, and bricks, and hung it from a tree on his back yard. He wrapped his hands in his mother’s stockings.     Continue reading

Gloria Allred Wants You to Laugh at Her Herman Cain “Stimulus Package” Joke

Celebrity lawyer-shrew, Gloria Allred, told a joke today during a press conference wherein a fourth Herman Cain sexual harassment accuser (pictured) came forward. It wasn’t funny. It was rather skeevy. We all groaned and then moved on to the rest of the story. This didn’t reduce the skeeve factor. Yes, kids, there’s talk of “genitals” and old Hermie’s crotch. Ew.

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Claim that Neutrinos Travel Faster than Light Highlights Need for Scientific Peer Review

So, a scientific study was published saying we had neutrinos that were moving faster than the speed of light.  That’s crazy right?  I mean, seriously, all we’re trying to say is that Einstein was full of crap.  If someone is going to try and change the way we think about fundamental physics, it’s got to  be reviewed by the best in the field.  Why else would journalists report on it?
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The Walking Dead Recap: You’re The One For Me

I’d like to start out this episode with a prayer. A prayer to The Gracious Gods of Television. *Ahem* Dear Gods, please let this episode include a boatload of zombies. Like a lot of zombies. More than last week and the week before combined. Also, benevolent Gods of the Boob Tube, please resolve the Sophia storyline quickly and, hopefully, painfully. Let a zombie rip that little girl to shreds in the most gruesome, horrible way possible because we, as mere viewers, don’t care one whit about her character. Ah-freaking-men. Continue reading

Are Sweatshops Bad?

The image at the top of this article is a Nike product, the “swoosh” clearly visible.   I’m sure most of our readers would remember the savaging dealt to Nike in the 90s in the media, in the classroom, in the university cafeteria, and anywhere where people regarded themselves as socially aware.  These days, the popular target is Apple, partly as a result of the well-publicised suicides at the Hon Hai factories in China which churn out Apple’s bestselling and stylish industrial designs.  Regardless, “sweatshops” have been getting a bad name for a very long time:  the name was coined in the 19th century, and then as now the clothing industry has been a major culprit in their use.

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Those Wacky Old Folks and Their Saving

The recession has gone on long enough that it’s likely to have a long-term effect on people’s buying and spending behaviors. We may find that when we are old and gray (if we’re not already), that we are just as frugal as our grandparents used to be. I used to have lots of fun laughing at my crazy Depression-era grandparents who had 13 toasters in the garage because they saved everything for parts. However, considering the budgeting I’m doing these days, my grandchildren are probably going to have some good laughs at Grandma BBQ’s expense. By then, they’ll probably make disposable computers and they’ll all make fun of me for hoarding laptops. Continue reading

Why You Should Care About Raquel Nelson

Back in April of last year, a single mother of three named Raquel Nelson took her kids out for pizza and to Wal-Mart to buy birthday gifts. They missed a bus that runs once per hour and were late getting back to their home in Marietta, Ga., an Atlanta suburb.

When the bus finally did drop them off in front of their apartment complex, they had to cross a busy four-lane road and stopped at the median to wait for passing cars. That’s when Nelson’s 4-year-old son A.J. slipped out of her grasp and ran out in front of a car. Continue reading