Daily Archives: June 18, 2011

6 posts

QOTD: Ask a Former Harlequin Writer

Once upon a time, long ago and far away, I wrote several Harlequin romance novels. How did I get into it? Like a lot of people, I had graduated from university and couldn’t find work in my field, librarianship. During school I’d heard about librarians being needed so I studied that, but had the misfortune to graduate the year after they (mostly, government and public libraries) had hired all the librarians they could afford. I worked in a bookstore for a couple of years, but it didn’t pay well and I had ambitions beyond that. So I thought I’d try writing Harlequins. They had an established structure, and you had to keep within certain parameters as regards the plot, which struck me as good training for a new and indecisive writer. We got to the point where my husband was making enough money that I could quit work and we wouldn’t have to eat cat food. I gave myself 5 years to produce a publishable novel. It took 3. Continue reading

Craigslost: Hey Sexy Pregnant Ladies!

Craigslost is back! Somehow we survived the first edition of our terrifying exciting peek into the soul of America’s favorite creep-fest with fairly few outbreaks of horrible jungle-viruses.

If one truly wishes to understand the soul of Craigslist, you must try to imagine the most skeevy person you know. This is where a world where nothing is off-limits, where no sexual advance goes too far, where Anthony Weiner is considered a rank amateur. Are you scared yet? Because you should be!

Let’s get to the good stuff fuckery.  Continue reading

Crass Cartoons: I Am Chasing Moose and Squirrel

Welcome to Crass Comics. This week I thought we would take a look back at a cartoon that was a brilliant satire of Cold War politics and stereotypes. Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale were characters featured on Jay Ward’s classic The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. The show ran from 1961-1964, and ran in reruns on ABC until 1973. It has been syndicated around the world ever since.

Continue reading

Saturday Morning Open Thread

Happy Saturday, my friends. Hope you have some wonderful plans for the weekend. A quick reminder that Crasstalk needs your writing if we are to win The Internet. Please keep your great posts coming so that we have lots of good stuff to read. If you need help with ideas or want to open an author’s account, please email crasstalk at gmail dot com and I will get you set up. Together we can achieve victory. Anyway, here is some fun stuff to start your day. Continue reading