Not Important News

It’s time for Not Important News! Hopefully no one has embarrassed themselves while interviewing the Dalai Lama in its absence.

Have you ever wondered what Norwegians watch on television? Me neither, but apparently the answer is the live-stream of a five day cruise around the fjords, complete with on-board announcements.

Scientists have completed a study that indicates telling someone that they have no free will may in fact change the way their brain operates and make them less likely to act on their own.

Toronto drug dealers have named a strain of weed after The Bieber.

Cats aren’t just for ladies. A Massachusetts man found all seven of his feline friends had survived after a tornado demolished his house at the beginning of the month.

The Chinese have developed cows that produce milk that is “80%” similar to human breast milk. This comes after several scandals with chemically contaminated milk powder.

Rovio (Angry Birds) has announced the development of… an egg cookbook?

Speaking of angry birds, the geese that threaten New York City airplanes will be killed and sent to Philadelphia to make meals for the poor.

Men who buy sports cars are rated more highly by women looking for a short-term connection, but have no advantage when it comes to women looking for something more long-term, a study says. Something something, small penis.

And this week, hard-hitting news from Ireland:

(via Towleroad)

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