Daily Archives: June 4, 2011

4 posts

Saturday mornings are Now “Truly Outrageous”

As an “old,” it increasingly takes a lot more effort to make me go “squee!” over something. So when I learned the Hub Network has started re-airing episodes of “Jem,” an involuntary “squee!” emanated from yours truly.

Back in the ’80s, Saturday morning cartoons were the thing to do and at 11AM on NBC, I made sure to be front and center for my weekly dose of Jem & the Holograms, a multi-racial, technologically-advanced girl band whose lead singer could change persona — the headstrong Jerrica Benton and the rock star, Jem — thanks to “magic” earrings acquired from a hologram, better known as Synergy. Continue reading

Lulzsecurity hacks Infragard-Atlanta/Unveillance

Last night, a hacking group by the name of Lulzsecurity hacked a private company called Infragard. Infragard contracts with a bunch of government agencies like the FBI, the DoD, and multiple intelligence agencies. Supposedly the big thing that Infragard was working on was trying to take control of compromised Lybian computers, and set up a command and control interface for a botnet, for the DoD. Infragard had a lot of other contracts with government agencies, consulting on security practices.
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