The Cleveland Plain Dealer, among other outlets, has the story of five young men who were arrested for plotting to blow up a commuter bridge near Brecksville, OH, roughly 15 miles south of Cleveland city center. Unsurprisingly, the lead paragraph conflates the planned act of terrorism with the May Day protests set up around the country (including in Public Square in Cleveland). Continue reading
The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program released their annual report on Monday. The 2010 data shows a continuing downward trend in violent crimes while drug arrests remain high despite the Obama administration’s previously stated wish to change the nation’s drug enforcement policies.
Drug offenses made up the majority of arrests nationwide, with a total of about 1.6 million. A whopping 81.9% of those were for possession, rather than sale or manufacturing. Marijuana offenses led the pack with 45.8% of all drug arrests being for marijuana possession. Continue reading
Last night, a hacking group by the name of Lulzsecurity hacked a private company called Infragard. Infragard contracts with a bunch of government agencies like the FBI, the DoD, and multiple intelligence agencies. Supposedly the big thing that Infragard was working on was trying to take control of compromised Lybian computers, and set up a command and control interface for a botnet, for the DoD. Infragard had a lot of other contracts with government agencies, consulting on security practices.
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