
5 posts

Zimmerman Attorney Takes “Selfie” Pic Mocking Trial Witness

Molly West, daughter of Zimmerman defense attorney, Don West, posted this picture of the two eating ice cream cones, presumably in “celebration” of West’s cross examination of prosecution star witness Rachel Jeantel. Jeantel is the young woman who last spoke to murdered teen, Trayvon Martin and who took the stand yesterday in hours-long testimony. Continue reading

The American Bar Association Wants Unpaid Interns to Do Law Firm Pro Bono Work

American_Bar_Association_WaAside from setting unnecessary and extraordinarily costly requirements for legal education and opposing key, cost-saving reforms, the American Bar Association found a new way to prove that it is woefully out of touch with the current legal market and ensure that many members of the new generation of lawyers won’t become dues paying members to an organization that remains crushingly out of touch with the reality of today’s legal job market. Continue reading

The Passion and Romance of a Small Law Firm

Hush now children, and listen to a crazy law firm tale. This happened during the reign of Bush I, also known as the “L.A. Law” years. I was a legal secretary at a firm that handled everything but family law. This is important later in the story. The firm had five “named” partners, that is, their last names made up the firm’s name, like “Dewie, Cheatem, and Howe.” Continue reading