
22 posts

US Supreme Court Reasoning Slipping Away

scThe internets, how do they work?

The already ridiculously old and technologically impaired Supreme Court of the United States of America has come down with a bad case of link rot. The NY Times brings us news of a new study by the Harvard Law School that finds almost half of all hyperlinks referenced in Supreme Court decisions are now defunct. Now what the hell does that actually mean? Continue reading

How to Get the Real IP Address When All Traffic Comes from CloudFlare

cloudsRecently we had an odd thing happen, all inbound WordPress logins appeared to be coming from the same IP address. Because a large percentage of our WordPress login attempts are from botnet zombies this caused the site security system to mark legitimate login attempts as bad.

Having installed the CloudFlare WordPress plugin was supposed to feed in the true IP address of each visitor but that seems to only work for comments and not for everything else. Here is one line of code that will get the original IP address of visitors coming through CloudFlare. Continue reading

How to Enable CloudFlare for Sub-Domains and Non-WWW Domains

cloudsWhen enabling CloudFlare through our hosting provider’s (Media Temple) built in integration a strange thing happened. The integration looked great and appeared to be setup correctly but we were only seeing a small trickle of pageviews reported by CloudFlare, one or two per day when we regularly get many thousands. Here is how to properly enable CloudFlare to service a website through Media Temple that uses a subdomain or does not use WWW to prefix the URL. Continue reading

The Today Show Marks the End of the Harlem Shake Fad… We Hope

You know when your parents start mimicking some new thing all you kids have been doing? They do it horribly and are just patently bad at looking cool or interesting while wobbling their bodies, or gyrating their hips, or making weird slack-jawed faces, yet this doesn’t stop the enthusiasm from giving them a boost of confidence that seems unquenchable? Yeah, well, this happened on The Today Show this morning in a Valentine’s Day segment that mashed all of the above. This is when you know it’s over, folks. Continue reading

We Live in a World Where Your Teens May Plot to Drug You


Oh, thought you were so clever there parents, didn’t you? Yup. You sure did. You thought that you’d find a way to utilize your teens’ penchant for all their technological devices and still get them to do those mundane things like walk the dog, take out the trash, empty the dishwasher and such, eh? You fools! Teens these days have just upped the ante. They’ve decided to just out and out drug you to gain even more access to the things that matter most in their lives — using the internet. We’re doomed. Continue reading