Responsive advertising sounds like a great idea and there are some helpful tutorials on how to set it up with AdSense. The only problem is that it doesn’t work. Not in the sense that you can’t get the ads to show up at the right size for the screen, but in that none of the advertisers have inventory for those ad sizes. Here’s how it breaks down. Continue reading
Recently we had an odd thing happen, all inbound WordPress logins appeared to be coming from the same IP address. Because a large percentage of our WordPress login attempts are from botnet zombies this caused the site security system to mark legitimate login attempts as bad.
Having installed the CloudFlare WordPress plugin was supposed to feed in the true IP address of each visitor but that seems to only work for comments and not for everything else. Here is one line of code that will get the original IP address of visitors coming through CloudFlare. Continue reading
If you run a WordPress blog you may have heard about the brute force password attacks that have been going on for a few months now. If you haven’t then there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve done nothing to protect your site and Russians control your site.
Up until today the attack has focused on the “admin” username and trying to guess the password over and over. In a sign that the attacks are continuing and evolving we noticed a slightly updated tactic of guessing the password for an accounts called “adminadmin” and “administrator.” Continue reading
It was April 30, 2011 when we purchased the Zillapress theme and shortly thereafter that we switched over. That’s way too long to keep one theme so we embarked on a journey to spruce the place up a bit. The design elements that we wanted for the new theme were something that put the emphasis on the posts and stayed away from too much clutter. We also wanted something that was simple yet eye catching. And lastly the 550 pixel wide column that we’ve been constrained to was just too small.
We are pleased to introduce our new theme Nerea written by Keeval who has spent the last few weeks customizing the theme and taking every suggestion and request seriously. Continue reading
Ok, everything is fixed in terms of the updates I needed to do to wordpress. We’re back to normal. If you’re reading this, you either added a line to your hosts file or your DNS propagated quickly and you have a good ISP.
Continue reading
Hey gang,
There’s been some unrest about the site design. I, for one, find it difficult to navigate, and the lack or ability to search by topic/any real organization is frustrating. Plus, it sucks coming in after 12 hours and having no idea where to start/where you left off, etc.
So in that spirit, our lovely coffeeandcigarettes has suggested this one:
I like it a lot! But since Crasstalk is for all of us, let’s have a chat. What do you want? Like? What’s important to you in a site?
A NOTE: All three of the pictures below are of the SAME THEME. I just scrolled down the page, screen-capping as I went. If you click the link I posted, it will take you to it.