
117 posts

Dubya Hopes for Dynastic Do-Over with Art Hobby

jeb_george_chuck_norrisCould the art of George W. Bush wherein he depicts world leaders in sophomoric renderings that read more “quaint cute” as in the eagerly water colored masterpieces a child shoves at a parent for admiration on their office wall, rather than a trove of Picasso’s best, be more about politics than hobby-making?

Now that we are several years away from the Bush era of rule in this country, much has been made in the last few to “paint” Dubya not as a war-mongering cowboy, and epic failure of a world leader, but as a soft-spoken man who may have been misunderstood in his political assertions. Not about his convictions per se, but about the amount of caring for his fellow man that went sorely unnoticed. Continue reading

Today is Another Holiday: Public Domain Day


Public Domain Day is the first day of the year, every year. In Europe, Jan 1, 2013 is the day when hundreds of works are entering the public domain. Works including Grant Wood’s European Gothic, works by Edith Stein, Bruno Schulz and Franz Boas. Now, in the EU citizens can copy, share, or incorporate these works into digital archives at libraries, public or private. Artists can make versions of “European Gothic,” without asking permission or violating the law.  Continue reading

Art Talk With Botswana: They Actually Let This Guy Into The Barnes Foundation

Welcome to Art Talk With Botswana, where we like discuss paintings and shit. Today I’m going to tell you about my recent trip to see the Barnes Foundation at its brand new home in Center City Philadelphia. They actually let me in to see one of the most famous art collections in the world. Yeah, I was as surprised as you are.  Continue reading

Spotlight On Artist Hsiao Ron Cheng

birdcage hsiao ron chengBased in Taipei, Taiwan, Illustrator Hsiao-Ron Cheng was born in 1986.  Using pencils, oils, mixed media and digital, she manages to pack an entire fairy tale into a single picture with that perfect balance of creepy, cute and curious.

“My work allides to the deformation that physically separates human from plants and animals. The environment and situations that I paint are often of surrealist nature, remniscent of school, and partly based on phantasy. My aim is to create more complex worlds with more complicated stories with childlike and cruel creatures, showing different kinds of the fragile and oppressive anima in life.” Continue reading