unhappy endings

3 posts


QOTD: Your Ex Wants to Apologize

Today in the Washington Post, there was an article by Carolyn Hax addressing a debate by a couple of friends on whether or not it is beneficial for an ex to apologize for past transgressions. One friend said that it was rather arrogant of the ex and was only to clear his conscience. The other friend said that it might help bring closure to a bad breakup.

What do you think? Is it helpful to the person wronged? Does it let both people get past the relationship? What if a lot of time had passed? Personally, I don’t think there is one answer to this but it would be an interesting debate.

(Photo via Flickr: Woodley Wonderworks)

The Five Stages of Being Dumped

dump_truckMost of us have been dumped. Sometimes it’s a long time coming and you’re not all that surprised. Sometimes it comes out of the blue (for you) and you’re stunned. Every so often it comes shortly after you were seriously considering doing the dumping, but decided against it, mentally recommitted yourself, only to have all that work be for naught.

No matter how it comes, these are the five stages of being dumped. Duration varies based on how fucked up your dumping was/your level of crazy. Continue reading

Unhappily Ever After

Today’s A.V. Club AVQ&A is about unhappy endings, and I’m curious to hear what the Crassholes have to say about this topic. Mainstream American films end happily virtually every time. It’s also a safe bet that the happy ending will involve a heterosexual coupling–we can leave that discussion for Crasstalk’s Gay Day. But let’s expand the discussion to television and literature as well. What are some of your favorite unhappy endings? What unhappy endings don’t work for you or feel as contrived and manipulative as a forced happy ending?

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