Tree of Life

2 posts

Opening Weekend: Hanging With Mr. Cooper

You know who only did one bachelor party movie? Tom Hanks. He has two Oscars. I’m almost positive if you were to ask Tom how many bachelor party movies you should ever make in your career, he’d probably give you that “Tom Hanks” face and say, “Well, probably just the one.” Heh. Tom. He’s so right, always.

Wanna know who never considered just the one? Yeah, the boys who made The Hangover.

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Cannes Report: Tree of Life Debuts to Jeers and Cheers

Terrence Malick, the mostly reclusive and often  interview-shy director of  Badlands, Days of Heaven, and The New World, returns with his latest opus, Tree of Life, a veritable treatise on the inner-workings of the American Family and the mainstays of the 1950’s era. He delves into the interpersonal relationships between father and son, more pointedly the cycle of expectation and regret that follows the two at the center of his latest film. Continue reading