- Obama campaign strikes squarely at Romney’s Swiss Bank Account (Huffington Post) Because nothing says “I feel your pain” like having money stashed in an offshore bank account with the same guys that were just “holding on to” all that Nazi gold.
- Texas Planned Parenthood defunding halted by Federal Judge (Huffington Post) Because apparently you can’t just defund something because you feel like it. That being said, the Texas GOP will probably shut down the entire women’s health program before they give a dime to those baby killing (not really) socialists.
- Blind Chinese dissident, held under illegal house arrest, escapes to U.S. Embassy (Huffington Post) If someone ever gets ahold of security videos showing his daring, madcap escape, I demand they be dubbed with Yakety Sax.
- Stephen King: Tax Me, for F@%&’s Sake! (The Daily Beast) Amen, Mr. King.
- Obama Needles Romney On Old Bin Laden Quotes (TPM) How was Romney supposed to know that the very position he advocated against would be exactly what ended up happening?
- Inside the Mitt Laden Smackdown (TPM) Let me put it this way: if you have the giant brass ones to put your re-election on the line to send a team of American Special Forces operatives into a hostile foreign country to capture or kill the world’s most wanted terrorist, and it goes off without a hitch, then you get to spend the rest of your political life ending every sentence with “Did I mention that I gave the order that killed Osama Bin Laden?”. What gets lost in the noise is that if Obama had ordered that raid, and it had gone poorly and ended up with Osama Bin Laden parading dead American Special Forces soldiers around on YouTube, that’s the ballgame. He doesn’t win re-election, period, and the GOP is hammering him with it every single day.
- More on the Mitt Laden Smackdown (TPM) Also, anyone that accuses the President of “politicizing” OBL’s death should be damn sure they never used 9/11 as an excuse for ANYTHING.
- Krugman’s follow up. (NY Times)
- Rupert Murdoch “not fit” to lead major international company, MPs conclude (The Guardian) Who would have thought that the company responsible for Fox News would be hopelessly corrupt, all the way to the top?
- The more politically engaged someone becomes, the more their empathy toward others moves toward extremes. (NY Times) And in today’s “Sky blue, water wet” news, liberals become increasingly empathetic, while conservatives become increasingly unempathetic. Thus, we conclusively prove that not only are politically engaged conservatives morons, but also terrible people as well.
- Ryan’s rise from follower to GOP Trailblazer (NY Times) Speaking of terrible people who are also morons…
- Slam Dunk, James Taranto! (Doghouse Riley) Well played, good sir.
- Waterboards, Drones, and the Drones Who Love Them (Charles P. Pierce – Esquire) If someone has a better reason why George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Yoo, and this crackerjack motherfucker aren’t cooling their collective heels in a cell in the Hague waiting to be tried for war crimes, beyond the fact that there isn’t a country on the planet with the military resources necessary to come forcibly get them, I’ll eat my hat.
- Obama 2012, Bin Laden, and Willard’s 3AM Phone Call (Charles P. Pierce – Esquire) Romney appears to be running against George W. Bush and President Obama, circa 2008. The celebrity crap again?
- Dan Savage vs. The Bible (The Atlantic) When it comes to the Bible, there are two ways of reading it: either as the Word of God, which constitutes historical fact and demands that all those that adhere to its beliefs practice its teachings no matter how times change; or as a series of parables, fables, and stories with some to no basis in fact designed to shape human morality. If you believe the former, then there’s nothing that anyone can do for you, because you believe that there is absolutely nothing anyone on Earth can say that overrides the word and will of God. If you believe the latter, then the entire Bible is up for discussion and debate. We can throw out slavery, stoning women to death, not eating cheeseburgers, no pork or shellfish, and every other silly and ridiculous thing that’s been tucked in over the last two thousand years. Just as well, we can throw out the whole bit about homosexuality being a sin. By the way, if you fall into the former group, you may want to see a doctor.
- Austerity policies hit young workers the hardest, report says (ThinkProgress) The beatings will continue until morale improves, especially for those under 30.
- Gun stores can’t get guns fast enough to keep up with demand from Anti-Obama paranoia. (ThinkProgress) You mean the same President that hasn’t touched gun country with a ten foot pole in four years?
- Issa escalates Anti-Holder witchhunt with draft Contempt of Congress citation (ThinkProgress) In which Darrell Issa continues the GOP tradition of taking a gigantic dump on the Constitution whenever politically convenient.
- Rep. Joe Walsh says the country only elected President Obama because he’s black. (ThinkProgress) Yes, because in this country we have a long standing tradition of elevating minority candidates to positions of power as soon as humanly possible to demonstrate our commitment to equal rights for all mankind, and after two hundred plus years of white guys 160 million people collectively decided that hey, let’s give a black guy a shot. Please note; the proceeding sentence was entirely sarcastic in nature.
And in today’s edition of Republican Hypocrisy Daily…
- Republicans won’t offset cost of extending the Bush Tax Cuts (ThinkProgress)
- Scott Brown benefits from Obamacare, despite supporting its repeal (ThinkProgress)
- Tea Partiers who opposed bank bailouts take campaign donations from bailed-out banks (ThinkProgress)