
2 posts

Web Diving: Steel Stomachs are Required for What Lurks on HorriblePinterestRecipes’ Tumblr

Berf. Like seriously, what are people thinking? Yes, we know Pinterest is the bestest most spectacular website for finding anything from teeny, tiny bedazzled baby shoes, mason jar centerpieces, to, I dunno! Button bracelets or two Chihuahuas sitting in a small pink roadster! Don’t ask. But did you know some of the most disgusto recipes we’ve come across in a long time happen to live there? And by live there, we mean slowly mutating, replicating and plotting to destroy the world with its noxious ingredients and frankly, mockery of all things edible? Like the Crescent Taco Bake shown above. No, we’re not kidding. Follow after the jump if you dare. Continue reading

Pinterest And Its “No Boys Allowed” Perception

It’s been a few months since we last checked in on Pinterest. When we first started hearing about this little site that used “pinning” to share ideas, interesting odds and ends, and cool stuff found around the web, we thought it was the next step in streamlining all those tidbits people post on Facebook and Twitter that may work better to serve an audience already primed to readily accept those things we once cut from magazines or gleaned from a personal email. Continue reading