
7 posts

FBI Arrests Five Plotting to Blow-up a Bridge Near* Cleveland

The Cleveland Plain Dealer, among other outlets, has the story of five young men who were arrested for plotting to blow up a commuter bridge near Brecksville, OH, roughly 15 miles south of Cleveland city center. Unsurprisingly, the lead paragraph conflates the planned act of terrorism with the May Day protests set up around the country (including in Public Square in Cleveland).  Continue reading

Our Favorite Occupy Wall Street Protestor

Yesterday Achilles and I spent the day following Occupy Wall Street. At the end of the day, we ran into this guy. This is Jeffery Marx from Brooklyn, New York. He was part of the OWS group that had been staying in Zuccotti Park. We caught him in front of the Brooklyn Bridge talking about Mayor Mike Bloomberg and why he is participating in OWS. He is a an articulate guy and says some really smart things, but we actually just like him because after a long day of serious political discussion and conflict with the police, he was funny and snarky. Here are his comments on OWS.




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Move Your Moola

Despite my obvious conservative leanings, I support the idea of moving your money out of the big banks. My reasons for supporting this has more to do with the fact that Americans need to support their local businesses now more than ever. The ‘too big to fail’ idea has taken this country down a slippery slope.

A non-profit campaign called Move Your Money makes it extremely easy to find a local bank or credit union to put those hard-earned dollars.  Funny enough, by moving your money you will not only be sending a message to the big banks and those in government who support them, but you will actually incur less fees and get better customer service, according to JD Power and Associates.  Who knew that being a capitalist could stick it to the big companies? Continue reading

Is There a Secret NYPD Division Working for Wall Street?

There is certainly no lack of reasons for outrage when discussing the recent behavior of either the NYPD or Wall Street, but a story that has been making the rounds in the blogosphere is enough to cure the most severe case of outrage fatigue: the existence of a quasi-private “Paid Detail Unit” within the force that is directly employed by private corporations, including financial firms. The obvious implication made is that these officers have been acting in the interests of their private employers when dealing with the Occupy Wall Street protests and are responsible for the recent instances of escalation and deceptive tactics that have been observed and alleged. Can such cartoon-villain levels of corruption be real? Continue reading

Being Leaderless Will Hurt OWS

An article by DNAinfo today discusses the breakdown of negotiations between OWS and residents around Zuccotti Park.  This past Friday, Councilman Chin hosted a meeting between OWS and some residents to address some concerns about noise, garbage and safety in Zuccotti Park.

Chin commented that the OWS representatives seem very reasonable and agreed to certain restrictions but apparently do not have any real authority to negotiate or enforce any agreements.  “The residents in the area are overwhelmed, and rightfully so,” Chin continued. “At this point, I have to conclude that OWS is unable, or unwilling, to address the concerns expressed by the community. We have tried to work with the protesters and to support them, but that support is waning.” Continue reading