open threads

2403 posts

Monday Night Open Thread

Well hello gang. Thanks for sticking with us today. I am going to repost this from The Beloved Leader’s message last night:

Dear Crasstalk Nation,

As Crasstalk has grown in popularity and the level of engagement you guys have with the site has grown, so have our costs associated with running this place. Currently we’re making a series of huge improvements that will make the site better than ever.

You can help us out. If you love Crasstalk as much as we do, please consider making a donation to our site fund. Our Paypal address is [email protected]. We’re not asking for much, and any amount of money helps!

In the meantime, Bens, Dogs, GrandInquisitor and I are working hard on a series of major improvements to the site.

OK, now here’s some fun stuff to watch to get your evening started.

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Saturday Open Thread: The Doctor is IN

Some of you are aware that I’ve become slightly obsessed* with Doctor Who in the last month and a half or so (thanks MP! Mwah!).

Well, guess what? THE SEASON 6 PREMIERE OF DOCTOR WHO IS TONIGHT! BBC America is running an all-day marathon of season 5 (which I believe started 3 hours ago), Matt Smith’s first as the Doctor. If you’re a fan, tune in for a referesher. If you’re not and you’re willing to admit you’re a nerd, give it a go. Though it’s probably more satisfying to start from the first season of the rebooted series, the fifth season was written to bring in new viewers so you shouldn’t have too hard a time picking things up. In much sadder news, actress Elisabeth Sladen–who played the Third and Fourth Doctor’s companion Sarah Jane Smith in the ’70s–died of cancer on Tuesday. She last appeared on the show in 2008, reprising her role as Sarah Jane with David Tennant’s Doctor. She will be missed.
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Friday Daytime Open Thread

OMG it’s almost the weekend! What am I going to wear?!!

Well, when I found out about Dancing Queen’s Flashback Friday topic, I can assure you that I squealed with joy at the thought of posting N’SYNC videos. In this thread, though, we can figure out what fabulous ensembles we’ll be donning this weekend by determining what not to wear, specifically, by studying everything that every boy band and their love muses wear and avoiding all of those things like the plague. The first important lesson is to not wear matching outfits with your friends, otherwise people will suspect that you might break out in an impromptu “I Want You Back.”

And we don’t want that, now do we? What sartorial lessons have you learned from boy bands? I could use some help because I’m starting to think that multi-colored vinyl outfits are acceptable again. Talk me down from the cliff, Crasstalkers!

Thursday Night Open Thread

SPECIAL NOTE FROM OUR OVERLORDS: We will be doing site maintenance this Saturday night and Sunday morning. The site may be down periodically or may load slowly. Bear with us, we need to do this to deal with some ongoing technical issues.

Also, look at the top of page today. Do you notice any thing new? It is the Crasstalk Writer’s Guide and it is for all of you to make writing here easier. It has directions on how to post and good tips on making your posts great. If you write for here, I expect you to read it, even if you are a veteran. I am hoping it will make your lives easier by creating a central place to answer questions about the posting process. Please email us if you think something is missing.


Hey, remember that time today when we were talking about diaries? That sure was fun, wasn’t it? It is just about that time in the evening for some introspection and drinking your feelings until they’re numb from all of the throbbing emotional pain, so let me just get out my trusty pen and leather journal… Continue reading

Thursday Daytime Open Thread

SPECIAL NOTE FROM OUR OVERLORDS: We will be doing site maintenance this Saturday night and Sunday morning. The site may be down periodically or may load slowly. Bear with us, we need to do this to deal with some ongoing technical issues.

Also, look at the top of page today. Do you notice any thing new? It is the Crasstalk Writer’s Guide and it is for all of you to make writing here easier. It has directions on how to post and good tips on making your posts great. If you write for Crasstalk, I expect you to read it, even if you are a veteran. I am hoping it will make your lives easier by creating a central place to answer questions about the posting process. Please email us if you think something is missing.


Good morning, my little chickens! Guess who’s hosting some Open Threads, hmmm?? Go on, guess. I’ll wait. Continue reading

Wednesday Daytime Open Thread

What’s this? Lucky’s in charge of Wednesday’s Open Threads? Ha, you all thought Botswana’s were scary. Nobody is making it out of this one alive.

Kidding. I’ll be nice and let 1/3 of you live, but you have to beg.

It’s Wednesday folks, so get on over to the Hump Day post and make your contributions. For all three of you who are not perverts, today’s theme is ducks. Continue reading