Someday soon. Continue reading
We’ve almost made it! Continue reading
And can you teach me how to dance real slow? Continue reading
Microsoft posted a new advertisement promoting Internet Explorer, and for any twenty-something growing up in the nineties, it’s an almost-sniffle-inducing trip down memory lane. Slap bracelets, ying yangs, pogs (what WERE those?), Hungry Hungry Hippos, Air Jordans, light up sneakers, Tamogotchis (why did you run away, little friend, every time?) and my personal favorite – the bowl hair cut. My brother rocked a bowl hair cut from about 5th to 10th grade. I’ll never forget the day when he changed to the “new” stylish haircut of the boy band inspired spikey gel look of the 2000’s. Continue reading
Hey, kiddies. No time for a full Hollywood Caller, so we’re just going to talk about one quick bit of news that’s made the rounds today. Continue reading
Underoos. What? If you didn’t have a pair of Underoos, you friend, were undoubtedly raised on some Appalachian trail, and not worth the sleepover invite. This was the epitome of celebrating your American freedom and your right to run around in your underwear with a robe tied around your neck while you jumped off the coffee table because you were Superman or Supergirl. No one could tell you different. Thanks to Geektyrant who’s unearthed this remarkably bad commercial for the vintage Star Wars Underoo collection, you can reminisce in style. Continue reading