In a late night announcement that sent the hearts of comic book nerds everywhere into arrhythmia, Marvel Studios and Sony Entertainment announced late last night that Spider-Man will be joining Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, and Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While the details of the deal aren’t public, through various leaks and rumors it’s possible to put together an idea of what the deal looks like. Continue reading
marvel superheroes
Over the last eight months I’ve built an organization from the ground up, consisting of nearly 300 members spread all over the world. I’ve had to choose team leaders, assign and delegate tasks, recruit, deal with challenges posed by my superiors, make sure the people reporting to me get the resources they need to do their jobs, and manage interpersonal conflicts, all while completing my own goals and objectives.
If I put that on my resume as management experience, most recruiters and hiring managers would go “Wow, that’s pretty impressive.” The problem isn’t the job description. Rather, it’s the job title: Guild Leader. Continue reading
About six months ago I wrote an article detailing how to make a good Free To Play MMO. One of the games I singled out as what not to do was the recently released Marvel Heroes. Calling its launch a disaster would almost have been an understatement. However, rather than pack up my things and go to some other imaginary online universe, I stuck it out. I saw a huge amount of potential, and I’m pleased to report that my faith has been rewarded. There have been some growing pains, but I finally feel comfortable recommending Marvel Heroes, and here’s why.
The current run of big screen adaptations of comic book characters can be traced directly back to Richard Donner’s 1978 film Superman. Since then, we’ve had five more Superman movies, seven Batman movies, a Green Lantern movie, four Spider-Man movies, two Fantastic Four movies, five X-Men movies, three Iron Man movies, a Thor movie, a Captain America movie, and a movie with Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America. This week, Thor: The Dark World, the sequel to 2011’s Thor, hits theaters, and next summer we’re getting X-Men Days of Future Past, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Guardians of the Galaxy.
What do all of these movies have in common, besides being big budget superhero movies? The titular characters are all white men. In the case of Superman, Thor, and Captain America, they’re the whitest and manliest of white men. Continue reading
Thor, the newest film in what I would like to call The Avengers franchise, certainly does a great job of introducing the Norse god and gets you more than excited about the upcoming Avengers movie. The film certainly dazzles thanks to the visual effects department but in terms of storytelling it seems to thunder through (see what I did there?) most of the important plot points. Continue reading