Happy Friday, munchkins. Do you have fabulous plans for the weekend? I hope so. I’m traveling north to Gillikin Country to visit a friend. Thank you so much for filling my inbox with nominations this week. You made me smile. Hit the jump, and let’s see what happened at Crasstalk this week.
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Another eventful week at Crasstalk. I am very proud of you, munchkins, for not letting last night’s discussion(s) devolve into Thunderdome territory. Let’s see what else happened this week, shall we?
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Hello, munchkins. You didn’t send me many comments this week. Shame on you. Don’t make me bring the pain. You’ll be better next week, won’t you? Yes, you will. Okay, let’s streetwalk down memory lane a bit.
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Munchkins, you are exhausting. It was another tumultuous week here at Crasstalk. Fighting, flouncing, forgiving. Well, very little of that last one really. Here’s your Crasstalk COW, you wretched little beasts.
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It was cloudy with a chance of Thunderdome yesterday, but all things considered, you had a fairly good week, Crasstalkers. Hit the jump, and let’s have a look at who said what, when and why.
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Happy Friday, Crasstalkers. Another week has passed, and you managed to get through it without ripping one another to shreds. Mostly. Join me for a stroll down Memory Lane after the jump.
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What a week. You wrote great posts. You fought like best frenemies. You made some memorable comments, funny and serious. Let’s take a look back, shall we?
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Help me, Rhonda. You were a prickly bunch this week, Crasstalkers. So much strife. So much angst. So much of it over a movie most of you haven’t even seen. What is wrong with you? Good grief. Your one saving grace is that you never lose your sense of humor, no matter how dark it gets in here. Hit the jump, and let’s retrace your week’s journey. Continue reading
Well, it has been quite an eventful week here at Honey Badger Headquarters. The week started with a little, um, excitement. I won’t go into the details, but Mr. Funkhouser summed it up nicely. Continue reading