
77 posts

iRobot Roomba Cleaning Robot for Pets and Allergies Review

Roomba770The idea of having a robot do anything in my home is instantly appealing thanks to the many robots who have appeared on my television and given me a grand dream of what robots might someday become. Is the Roomba an evolutionary step toward Rosie from The Jetsons?

The Roomba roaming around seemingly randomly through my house is officially the iRobot Roomba 770 Vacuum Cleaning Robot for Pets and Allergies. We have one large dog and primarily hard wood floors, with rugs in the master bedroom and livingroom. Roomba (iRobot likes to drop any ‘a’ or ‘the’ when referring to Roomba so as to make it more personal) took very little setup before being operational. Just some un-boxing and removing of packing material from the innards of the robot. Continue reading

When You Should Call Instead of Text

While sitting in a restaurant on “date night” I couldn’t help shaking my head at a young couple in their twenties as they sat nearly motionless for much of their meal, both with their heads bent over their phones texting like crazy. Neither seemed to think there was anything wrong with sitting in each other’s company and texting away as if the other wasn’t there.

Is this the only way we communicate? Continue reading

Forget the Cloud, Go Get an SD Card

VW Headunit with SD Card
It seems the business model these days is to get us consumers to pay monthly for something we didn’t used to need to pay monthly for. Take music for instance, we all love music but a monthly subscription to a music service is an ongoing cost and it requires you to stay wired all the time. I could see using something like Xbox music if you can’t stand listening to the same tracks often. I prefer to hear my favorite tunes unless I’m in the mood for new music. When I’m driving isn’t when I’m in that mood. The solution for me is the SD and I’m really happy with it. Continue reading

10 Great Christmas Gifts for the Handy Man (or Woman) in Your Life


It’s a well known fact that manliness is currently in inexorable decline. I blame the fact that no one works with their hands anymore (other than manipulating a video game controller). And when something breaks? We hire someone to fix it for us, or more likely, just throw it out and go buy a new one at Target.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Tools are awesome, and once you own them you’ll start looking for reasons to use them. That’s why I put together a gift guide featuring 10 great gifts for the handy man (or woman) in your life.  Continue reading

The Treadwall is for People Who Think Climbing Regular Walls is Easy

…and we’d like to tell them that they’re insane. Ok. Seriously, sure, fine, we get it. Let’s do exercise! It’s good for the body and the soul. It’s all about mind over matter, friends. “You can do it!” says Chuck Norris probably. Ok. We really hate Chuck Norris. Anyway, here’s this thing that will probably make your heart exit your body and ask you if you’ve lost your goddamn mind. Continue reading

Nest’s New Thinner and Smarter Thermostat

New shiny, thin NestWhen I originally learned of the Nest Learning Thermostat, I understood that its creator had a history within Apple and thus the design of the device was slick and it the device itself, revolutionary. Now I’m reading that the third generation Nest device is about to be released. The site, is touting the new device as having “a refined design that’s enclosed by a single solid stainless steel ring.” This starts to remind me of the song and dance we’re used to by now with Apple releasing an ever thinner and faster version of basically the same exact thing – year after year. So it seems that design isn’t the only thing Tony Fadell, (co) inventor of the iPod, learned from his days with Apple. Continue reading