Capt Badass

27 posts
Just living the fucking dream, one day at a time. captain.badass.2010 at gmail dot com

Photo Phriday: What Have You Built?

BTHOB Ags Build the Hell. A-Whoop

Are you crafty? Are you inventive? Are you a builder or a craftsman? Have you ever devoted your life to a project or task that you will always be proud of? For this week’s Photo Phriday show off what you’ve built from the ground up.

That is Student Bonfire from 2008. Student Bonfire is a 501(c)3 corporation that I helped created. It is based off of the Aggie Bonfire that fell in 1999, and it helped me create who I am. I was quoted in an AP article featured in major newspapers around the country (including the New York Times) because of this college project of mine. There are over 1300 people who sacrifice their fall weekends in college to get together and Build The Hell Out of Bonfire. Continue reading

If You Want to Almost Die, Try Wingsuit Flying

Espen Fadnes has been blowing the world’s collective mind by being on the edge of human flight for more than ten years. He was the first person to fly beneath parachute opening altitude, and he did that back in 2000 in a pair of jeans in Norway. In the video below he shows off some flights in France and shares his mentality, and what it takes to be a CRAZY PERSON.

The man has hit over 155 miles an hour wearing his crazy pants suit and is famous for his video last year titled “Sense Of Flying,” here is his most recent effort “Split of a Second.” Continue reading

Zimbabwe’s Hyper-Inflation Four Years Later

Roughly four years ago, Zimbabwe experienced one of the worst cases of hyper-inflation in the history of the world. The country was experiencing 165,000% inflation in April of 2008. That’s an insane number. Typically, hyperinflation is said to occur when the monthly inflation rate exceeds 50%. We’re talking about 3300 times that amount. Say the USA was experiencing that rate of inflation. If you went to buy a pack of Marlboros for $7 today, tomorrow it would be worth $39, then next week it would be $221 dollars. A year later, that same pack of cigarettes would cost $11,557. Continue reading

Limbaugh “Apology” Doesn’t Appease Advertisers

Rush Limbaugh has been back on the pills it seems. The man, who has a history of inflammatory remarks, went out of his way to call a Georgetown university law student a slut and prostitute.

Sandra Fluke was supposed to be a democratic witness at a Congressional hearing about contraception policy. However, the committee chair prevented her from speaking while only allowing a bunch of crusty old white dudes to talk on the sensitive issue. Eventually, she did speak to a democratic hearing in a very poised, and educated manner. However, to Rush Limbaugh, she was only worried about the cost of birth control due since she was “having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception.” Continue reading

Did Google Forget “Don’t Be Evil”?

So, early this morning, with some pretty serious accusations towards Google’s falling ethics and a specific bit of fraud that seems to be going on in Kenya. Basically, Kenya does not have a good public business directory. There are no yellow pages and most businesses do not have a web presence. So, a company called Mocality decided they were going to do that. Continue reading

Elvis Costello Wants You to Buy a Louis Armstrong Record

When the music industry is failing and no one is buying CDs the solution is always to charge more money. It worked for Abercrombie and Fitch earlier this decade right?  Oh wait…

When the content creators are asking you to charge less money and willing to take the pay cut the solution is always to charge more. It’s worked really well for the airlines right?  Oh wait… Continue reading

V-12 Engine in the Palm of Your Hand

Alright guys, I know this is long, but check it out.  It is one of the smallest working engines I’ve seen completely built from scratch in this guy’s time off from work.

I swear to you that when it starts running off of the compressed air towards the end I squealed like a 12 year old girl at a Justin Beiber concert.  Maybe not a first, or even an insane breakthrough, but the fact that someone put this much time and effort into precision machining and designing this thing deserves some serious props. Continue reading