If You Want to Almost Die, Try Wingsuit Flying

Espen Fadnes has been blowing the world’s collective mind by being on the edge of human flight for more than ten years. He was the first person to fly beneath parachute opening altitude, and he did that back in 2000 in a pair of jeans in Norway. In the video below he shows off some flights in France and shares his mentality, and what it takes to be a CRAZY PERSON.

The man has hit over 155 miles an hour wearing his crazy pants suit and is famous for his video last year titled “Sense Of Flying,” here is his most recent effort “Split of a Second.”

Wingsuits were first developed in the late 90s and allow people to fly for minutes without the cage of an airplane or helicopter for fives of minutes before being able to deploy parachutes and land to safety. Basically, it allows your average badass to combine skydiving and hang gliding into one fucking insane event.

Have you ever dreamed of flying? Of course, you’re not an idiot. But you’re also probably not crazy enough to see that dream through to the end.

The wingsuit allows this to actually happen for a short amount of time. You get flown in an airplane or helicopter, maybe hike for days to get to a high enough precipice until you’re in a place that will kill you if you fall. Hang gliders can coast in for a safe landing. Sky divers open parachutes and fall leisurely down to the ground. Wingsuit fliers can jump out of the plane and descend much slower than a skydiver, allowing them to perform some serious aerial acrobatics. You can flip, and turn, and bank, and pretty much make nature your bitch for like 30-45 seconds. On the flip side a wingsuit flier can jet through the air at ridiculously scary speeds. The hero of this article, Mr. Fadnes has gone up to 155 MPH. That is more than double the highest speed limit on the road in the United States (except that one stretch of I-10 in West Texas). That’s fucking insane. I will leave you with one word.


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