It’s been a busy week what with the move and all, Continue reading
This week, we’re going vocal. Continue reading
I’m never satisfied. There’s always something that I’m missing. Continue reading
Crasstalkers, let’s practice another form of self-exposure this week and get a look at how you live. Continue reading
This week it’s time to go shopping for suitable transportation; Continue reading
This week, expose a little bit of yourself. Continue reading
You are all such wonderful typists, uh keyboardists. Absolutely flawless. But what about your penmanship? Continue reading
Dick Clark, the 82-year old former host of American Bandstand and New Year’s Rockin’ Eve, is selling his unique Malibu home for $3.5 million. Continue reading
I’m so damn tired of Winter. Continue reading
Imagine you’re in Tokyo, where it’s overcrowded and overpriced and the stress is overwhelming and they won’t even let you keep a small pet in your minuscule apartment for crying out loud. Continue reading