Daily Archives: August 7, 2013

5 posts

Travelling to the Arctic Circle and Arctic Ocean by Land

Alaska VanWith the Colombian peace deal still a dream, the penultimate leg of my Pan-American Highway trek will be in Alaska. In 2007, I traveled overland from Oakland, California through the Yukon to Fairbanks, Alaska, and then up the Dalton Highway to the Arctic Circle. Because I traveled in October, the van service would not go any further. Had I gone in the summertime, the van would have taken me another 300 miles to Prudhoe Bay and Deadhorse, Alaska, where I could dip my toes in the Arctic Ocean with oil drilling platforms in the background. Continue reading

The Downward Spiraling Anthony Weiner Campaign Needs Less Will Ferrell

anthony_weiner_sexting2How do you know you’ve lost all control of your campaign? You almost end up in a fist fight with a senior citizen opponent at a function FOR AND ABOUT SENIOR CITIZENS!

Anthony Weiner has now entered the SNL rung of his mayoral campaign.

Sure, sure George McDonald, 69, and a GOP challenger, has been harping on Weiner’s scandalous sexting debacle as of late, but you know, how can he not? Once you’ve made the decision to show your peen to an entire internet’s worth of inhabitants and then run for public office, it’s pretty much fair game. Continue reading

Minimalism, Expatriation, and Getting Rid of Your Crap

As some of you know, I’m about to embark on a trip to become an expatriate. I turned twenty five a few days ago, and I accepted a job offer overseas a few days before that. I am a long time resident of a smallish college town in Texas, made famous by the college, football stadium, and its small string of bars just north of campus. I moved here at eighteen and have never really looked back. I worked on my degree and never really thought that I’d stay here forever. I ran the off campus BONFIRE for a couple years, and traveled all over the tri-state area speaking at former student clubs, and meeting people from all walks of life. I got a job just outside of town immediately after graduating, and just kind of never left.

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A White Gay Adult Film Star Shares His Poorly Formed Views on Racism

The world of gay porn will never be accused of being socially forward. It is a field of entertainment that caters to men’s sexual desires/fantasies, and isn’t generally concerned with social issues. After all, one watches pornography in order to experience sexual stimulus, not to engage in social critique. However, like every other cultural production, pornography is shaped by social forces and contributes to particular kinds of discourses, like race and racism. What makes all this interesting (at least to me) is when a porn “model” (that’s the word they’re using these days) decides to comment on racial diversity, the lack thereof, and “types.” What follows is usually a Sharknado-level crapstorm. Continue reading