The Downward Spiraling Anthony Weiner Campaign Needs Less Will Ferrell

anthony_weiner_sexting2How do you know you’ve lost all control of your campaign? You almost end up in a fist fight with a senior citizen opponent at a function FOR AND ABOUT SENIOR CITIZENS!

Anthony Weiner has now entered the SNL rung of his mayoral campaign.

Sure, sure George McDonald, 69, and a GOP challenger, has been harping on Weiner’s scandalous sexting debacle as of late, but you know, how can he not? Once you’ve made the decision to show your peen to an entire internet’s worth of inhabitants and then run for public office, it’s pretty much fair game.

Even if it’s the lowest common denominator in conversation regarding the current issues at hand in New York City. No one is going to completely stop talking about it, Carlos. And as much as Weiner would like to change the conversation and move on and perhaps go back to being that generally congenial guy, there’s no way of knowing who will let you, and who won’t.

George McDonald obviously won’t.

At an Univision-AARP event Weiner greeted McDonald yesterday with a pat which ended in taunts and Weiner calling McDonald “grandpa” dismissively right before making the case to a group of seniors how they’ll benefit in “his” New York if elected mayor.

And that brings us to Will Ferrell. Yes, we’re at this point. Ferrell couldn’t have performed that little episode any better had he written it himself as a campaign spoof. Oh, wait. He sort of did.

The Weiner sextcapade and its aftermath has re-instituted NYC politics to a greasy, testosterone filled, bubbling cauldron of idiocy and rank desperation — all the things you’d expect after throwing a dong shot into the ether in the cover of night — or from comedic fiction that takes a shot at corruption in politics. It’s the gold mine Will Ferrell has made a career off of — except no one really wants it in their town and from their elected officials in real life. And for its part, all the bottom-feeding sleaze this is creating has become an ooze Weiner just can’t shake off. We’ll include his vagueness about whether he’s still sexting, a spokesperson calling a former intern a “Fucking Slutbag” and “Cunt“, as well as Weiner sextbuddy Sydney Leathers’ porn tape release.

With so much going on, you’d think Weiner would know how to walk away from one more added headache.

Image Source: Flickr

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